Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Super jazzed!  AquaLocate is putting the final touches on the GF6 (Redesign of the GF3500). Literally the enclosure and then we’re done! This redesign has been long in the making and we're even booked to fly out of country in December to train the first buyer of the redesigned groundwater location technology!  Pictures may be posted as early as Dec 1st!

Q: What is the difference between the GF3500 Seismo electric groundwater location technology (In use since 1998) and the new GF6 design?

A: The new design dubbed the “GF6” was designed by AquaLocate’s own Ervin Kraemer with the valuable input of Dr. Richard Clarke, UK developer of the original GF3500. The GF6 is more portable, compact, sensitive to deeper water sources, and has a completely redesigned software interface which will allow for easy export to flow modeling software. Additionally, the software is no longer restricted to use through a bulky military laptop but is now used on any Windows 7 based consumer grade laptop.  The total weight of the unit has gone from approximately 20lbs to less than 3lbs in a new sleek modern design.

For more information contact AquaLocate USA the worldwide manufacturers/distributers of the GF3500/GF6                Toll Free: 800.251.2920 (OR) 425.522.3463

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