Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Do well drillers locate the aquifer before drilling begins?

Q: Should I have a seismo electric groundwater survey completed before I have the driller begin drilling? Do well drillers recommend it?

A: This is a two part question and we have answers!

First, YES you should have an AquaLocate survey completed! Here’s why… AquaLocate final reports tell the aquifer location, depth and estimated GPM (gallons per minute) the new well will provide. This information helps you plan financially for your well! You wouldn’t build a house without a plan would you?

Second, some but not all well drillers recommend doing a scientific (seismo electric) groundwater study before they begin drilling. Consider this: ($$$ per foot) the price for a well is based on the depth rather than on the aquifer yield or success of a productive well. Additionally if the new well is dry or unproductive-you still pay for the hole in the ground.  We work with some great well drillers and can often recommend drillers with integrity.

Consider an AquaLocate groundwater survey and have a plan for your well water development project BEFORE the drilling begins!

Avoid a dry hole, low yield and even salt water!

Call toll free: 800.251.2920 http://www.aqualocate.com

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