Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Super jazzed!  AquaLocate is putting the final touches on the GF6 (Redesign of the GF3500). Literally the enclosure and then we’re done! This redesign has been long in the making and we're even booked to fly out of country in December to train the first buyer of the redesigned groundwater location technology!  Pictures may be posted as early as Dec 1st!

Q: What is the difference between the GF3500 Seismo electric groundwater location technology (In use since 1998) and the new GF6 design?

A: The new design dubbed the “GF6” was designed by AquaLocate’s own Ervin Kraemer with the valuable input of Dr. Richard Clarke, UK developer of the original GF3500. The GF6 is more portable, compact, sensitive to deeper water sources, and has a completely redesigned software interface which will allow for easy export to flow modeling software. Additionally, the software is no longer restricted to use through a bulky military laptop but is now used on any Windows 7 based consumer grade laptop.  The total weight of the unit has gone from approximately 20lbs to less than 3lbs in a new sleek modern design.

For more information contact AquaLocate USA the worldwide manufacturers/distributers of the GF3500/GF6                Toll Free: 800.251.2920 (OR) 425.522.3463

Monday, November 12, 2012

Another Successful Seismo electric groundwater survey!

Another Successful Seismo electric groundwater survey!

A client obtained by a Colorado operator of the GF3500 (Louis) through AquaLocate had already experienced one dry well and one very low yield well prior to contacting Louis.  Both wells were drilled within 20 feet of each other by the same drilling contractor. 
The client contacted Louis and had a survey completed.  Due to very poor testing conditions, Louis told the client that further testing would not likely result in good quality data.  The client still wanted Louis to complete more testing to which Louis complied.  Once the testing was complete Louis provided him with a report which indicated there was very little likelihood of obtaining a sufficient amount of water.  The client chose to drill anyway and hired the same drilling contractor he previously used.  The drilling contractor had significant trouble drilling the well and finally gave up due to those problems.
  The client rehired Louis to complete more testing on different part of his property and this time Louis asked Ervin Kraemer of AquaLocate to help interpreting the new seismo-electric data.
  In spite of the marginal data quality due to the testing condition, Ervin told Louis that the best site would likely yield between 2 and 6 gallons per minute at a depth of 330 feet. 
 The final well was drilled by a new drilling contractor (Justice Water Systems, INC).  The final well depth was 313 feet and the final yield was 5 gallons per minute.  Needless to say, the client is very happy and in turn, Louis is very happy with the data interpretation assistance he received from AquaLocate.
If you need help locating an aquifer before the drilling begins, be sure to contact AquaLocate toll free at 800.251.2920 or visit us online at http://www.aqualocate.com

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Do well drillers locate the aquifer before drilling begins?

Q: Should I have a seismo electric groundwater survey completed before I have the driller begin drilling? Do well drillers recommend it?

A: This is a two part question and we have answers!

First, YES you should have an AquaLocate survey completed! Here’s why… AquaLocate final reports tell the aquifer location, depth and estimated GPM (gallons per minute) the new well will provide. This information helps you plan financially for your well! You wouldn’t build a house without a plan would you?

Second, some but not all well drillers recommend doing a scientific (seismo electric) groundwater study before they begin drilling. Consider this: ($$$ per foot) the price for a well is based on the depth rather than on the aquifer yield or success of a productive well. Additionally if the new well is dry or unproductive-you still pay for the hole in the ground.  We work with some great well drillers and can often recommend drillers with integrity.

Consider an AquaLocate groundwater survey and have a plan for your well water development project BEFORE the drilling begins!

Avoid a dry hole, low yield and even salt water!

Call toll free: 800.251.2920 http://www.aqualocate.com