Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Inundated with phone calls!

Yesterday we were inundated with phone calls- from people who need our groundwater location service. It started again this morning with the first call coming in a 6:30 am.

This year has been especially busy for us with the groundwater location services and we’ve had to schedule people weeks, even months out because of the demand.

NO complaints…want to help as many people as we can locate the water before they begin drilling a well. It always helps to know the depth and yield of an aquifer before putting money into what could be a dry well!

         Call us if you need help, we provide service worldwide! Toll Free: 1.800.251.2920

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Does AquaLocate work with or recommend well drilling companies?

Q: I know that AquaLocate locates the groundwater depth & yield with seismo electric technology but does AquaLocate work with or recommend well drilling companies?

A: AquaLocate does recommend drillers; our recommendation is always based on the integrity of the well driller according to our experience with them.
E.g. Is the driller anxious to just drill to the average depth of all the other wells in the area and not be bothered by the clients AquaLocate  groundwater exploration report (OR) does the driller attend to each client based on that client’s specific needs?

In this pic: Ervin and Jacob Kraemer are in the middle of completing a groundwater survey. Need help finding groundwater before you drill? Contact us Toll free at 800.251.2920

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Long drive back to the office after groundwater surveys in MT!

Well the guys from the WA team are headed back to the office after providing some groundwater location surveys in Montana yesterday.
 The pic below is of Jacob Kraemer, Senior Field Tech. pulling electrodes from the ground after a sounding. ...
 If you need advice about a well drilling project or groundwater survey give us a call:
1-800-251-2920 We provide service worldwide!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

More results using seismo electric technology!

The following are some results using seismo electric technology by Ervin Kraemer or by individuals that Ervin trained!

Information Source: State Website
Another success for a client who had a small piece of property in Northern Oregon and had a very expensive nearly dry well. We estimated the depth at about 280 feet and a yield around 3 gallons per minute. The client drilled right after our visit and ended up with a great well that produced twice the yield we estimated at a depth of 285 feet. We love it when a plan comes together. http://www.aqualocate.com

(TX) EKS Results:
Information Source: Client
"We did a survey that just finished drilling a well that came in at 350gpm at 169'. We interpreted a category M (200-350gpm) at 210'. He was thrilled. He'll now be able to plant cotton in a field where there has never been any and reap the financial benefits from it.  Thank you for your data interpretation assistance Ervin. "-Gerald, American Water Locators, TX

(WA) EKS Results:
Client - Jeff C.
Information Source: Well Report
NGS provided a 16 site survey for a large farm near Quincy, WA. A number of the sites indicated the client could expect between 450 and 850gpm at a depth range of 265 and 325 feet. A new well was drilled with a final depth of 182 feet and a preliminary yield of 600gpm. Way to go Jake and Brian.

Contact Ervin for groundwater location information: Toll Free 1-800-251-2920

Today our team is headed to Montana!

There is a universal need for clean water. Only big cities and densely populated areas have

piped water. Elsewhere aquifers often provide clean fresh water via boreholes. This water is

nearly always derived from rainwater by downward percolation from the surface, from rivers, or

by flow along rock layers from outcrop in adjacent hills or mountains.

There is such a growing need for our technology and our books are certainly overflowing this year with great clients!  

Today our team is headed to Montana to complete surveys for two new clients. The need for this technology in Montana is great; the guys were just there a couple of weeks ago.

 If you’re in Montana and interested in the technology give us a call to find out equipment & training rates.

 800-425-2920 or visit our website at www.aqualocate.com

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Results Using Seismo Electric Technology

The following are some results using seismo electric technology by Ervin and/or by individuals that Ervin of AquaLocate trained!

Information Source: State Website
Another success for a client who had a small piece of property in Northern Oregon and had a very expensive nearly dry well. We estimated the depth at about 280 feet and a yield around 3 gallons per minute. The client drilled right after our visit and ended up with a great well that produced twice the yield we estimated at a depth of 285 feet. We love it when a plan comes together. http://www.aqualocate.com

(TX) EKS Results:
Information Source: Client
"I just got a call from a client we did a survey for last February to tell me he just finished drilling a well that came in at 350gpm at 169'. We interpreted a category M (200-350gpm) at 210'. He was thrilled. He'll now be able to plant cotton in a field where there has never been any and reap the financial benefits from it. Thank you for your assistance. Thought you'd want to know. Gerald"

(WA) EKS Results:
Client - Jeff C.
Information Source: Well Report
On August 27, 2009 NGS provided a 16 site survey for a large farm near Quincy, WA. A number of the sites indicated the client could expect between 450 and 850gpm at a depth range of 265 and 325 feet. A new well was drilled on January 12, 2010 with a final depth of 182 feet and a preliminary yield of 600gpm. Way to go Jake and Brian.

Contact Ervin for groundwater location information: Toll Free 1-800-251-2920

Monday, August 6, 2012

How much does it cost to drill a well?

Q: How much does it cost to drill a well?

A: Well drilling prices vary depending on the area you live in. For example: Below are approximations of well costs depending on the state:

 WA about $10,000 to $12,000

 CA about $11,000 to $14,000

 SC about $5,000 to $8,000

 TX about $5,000 to $8,000

Because drilling a well is so very costly and you will pay for it whether or not it is productive, the more important question is not how much will my well cost but rather is there an aquifer on my property and if so what is the aquifers depth and potential yield.

Like you and I a well driller cannot tell you this before the drilling begins. This is where Seismo Electric technology comes into play, offering us the ability to see beneath the ground-the aquifers depth and yield!

AquaLocate uses a scientific method for locating groundwater (aquifer) depth and yield before drilling begins. Why begin drilling and paying per foot drilled when you’re not sure how deep you will need to go in the first place? Just because the neighbors well is 800 feet does not mean yours needs to be, nor does it mean you should have to pay for a well that deep!

Call me [Ervin] toll free today to find out more: 1.800.251.2920    www.aqualocate.com

Friday, August 3, 2012


Q:  Witching-Dowsing-Devining

A:  People often contact us and ask if we believe in witching, often referred to as dowsing or divining. Many times these people are folks who believe in it whole heartedly but have hired us to “confirm” their dowsing skills.  I think it’s safe to say that we believe in science when it comes to looking for groundwater. Our basic answer is this;

Water well witching or dowsing has been around for a long time and at first look appears that it may work. It is important to remember that there is no scientific evidence to prove that water well witching works any better than simply picking a spot to drill a well.  AquaLocate can successfully locate a good water well site and show the estimated depth to water and expected yield with reasonable accuracy by using seismo-electric technology developed by Groundflow Ltd.

If you need help locating groundwater before drilling a water well and wish to do so using science please call us. We'll give you FREE information about your general area, if you're not in an area where you need a survey and it's afe to drill anyhere we'll tell you if not, then we can plan out a survey to help you with your well water needs!  Toll FREE 800-251-2920

Thursday, August 2, 2012

How can Seismo Electric Technology help you or your clients find well water?


Your client just paid for a  dry well! They need help finding the water before they drill another hole in the ground but who can help them? Of all the technology out there which ones are bogus and which are legit? We can help!

How can Seismo Electric Technology help you or your clients find well water?
 The purpose of our technology is to save people from drilling dry and/or low yielding water wells or shall we say holes in the ground. Since 2001 we’ve used seismo electric technology developed by Dr. J. Millar & Dr. R. Clarke of the U.K. to locate groundwater (aquifers) for clients seeking to find an aquifers depth & yield before attempting to drill water wells.

Why do people consider me an expert in Seismo electric technology?
Through AquaLocate USA & affiliated companies I have been involved in successfully providing more than 35,000 individual seismo electric soundings throughout the U.S., Canada, MX, NZ, AU, India, Oman & Saudi Arabia.

 How Seismo electric technology works: The seismo electric method somewhat resembles the seismic method which is often used in oil field exploration. The main difference between seismo electric systems and seismic systems is that the seismo electric method is much simpler to use and a seismic system only records rock structure information and cannot provide any unequivocal information about the aquifer such as the actual groundwater depth and yield.

More specifically: The GF3500 and a seismic source are used together to generate and collect the seismo electric signal. The seismic source is used to create a sound wave (pulse).  These sound waves move through the aquifer and the water in the aquifer moves relative to the rock formation. Ions in the water are dragged away from their partners bound to the rock and the electrical disturbance created travels to the surface at the speed of light and is detected by the antenna array. Each signal is separated in time from its neighbors by the propagation time of the down going seismic pulse. This gives unambiguous depth and thickness data, as with reflection seismic. The form of each signal gives information about the depth, thickness and quality of the aquifer and this is used to estimate the likely yield from a water well drilled at the survey site. The data is saved and a final written report is compiled once the information is reviewed and approved by a state licensed Geophysicist, Geologist and/or or Hydro Geologist (regulations vary by state).

Unfortunately we are often the second call a client makes. They pay for a dry well that’s been drilled, have lost a significant amount of money then turn to us to fix it (find the water). When professionals like you are in the know and can refer businesses like us, you have the advantage of helping your client avoid paying for a dry well!  

 How can we help you? Give me a call at 888.808.8598  http://www.aqualocate.com