Friday, November 28, 2014

Environmentally friendly surveys

AquaLocate uses #environmentally friendly practices to effectively find #well #water before water well #drilling occurs. 

It is no longer necessary to spend
untold sums of money drilling a “test well” and causing unnecessary #environmental impact before finding the #groundwater you need. 

With the cost of drilling a water well increasing every day, a GF6 #Seismoelectric groundwater #survey is a reasonable investment for the risk avoidance it buys. 

We offer FREE phone #consultation and will inform you about what to expect in your area and whether a groundwater assessment survey makes sense for your situation or not. We report #Aquifer #depth, #yield & thickness before drilling.

Providing surveys for large & small, #residential, #agricultural, & development purposes. GF6 sales & training available worldwide. 


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How different groundwater / geophysical technologies work.

Ever wonder about all the technology and techniques out there used for #groundwater   ( #Aquifer ) location? 

Which ones are a waste of time or money?

Which technologies actually locate the aquifer depth, yield and thickness-before drilling any kind of hole? 

Here's an educational chart informing us of the differences. 


#bewellinformed #education #findwellwater 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Reliable technology for groundwater location.

A reliable tool for locating the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling a well.  

One of our top survey guys, Aaron, conducts a remote Seismoelectric #groundwater survey in #Healdsburg, #California using the GF6 technology. 

#aquifer #drought #technology #findwater #welldrilling



Saturday, November 22, 2014

Oil exploration project in the Austin Chalk formation.

This image reflects an update of a previous post where we completed an oil exploration project in south Texas.  The sites marked in green and red represent the strongest potential sites for future development with the red sites having the strongest estimated porosity.  The sites marked in white were significantly weaker than the other sites.  Some of the sites marked in white were located in areas where previous successful oil wells had been drilled and where the play was eventually depleted.  In the surrounding area there have been dozens of successful oil wells drilled into the Austin Chalk formation many of which are still producing oil.

For more information about the PL14 or our O/G exploration services call 800-251-3350.

#Austin Chalk formation

Friday, November 21, 2014

Groundwater surveys in Eastern Washington

Here Jacob and Aaron from our Northwest office had a successful time in Wilbur, WA collecting seismoelectric data for an #agricultural #well. The picture shown here is of a GF6 antenna array set up and is considered one sounding site which covers an area of approximately 3,500 square feet to a depth of approximately 1,500 ft. *The PL14 seismoelectric technology reaches to depths of 6,000 to 10,000 feet. #Aquifer depth, yield and thickness before #drilling. 800-251-2920 Http://

Monday, November 17, 2014

Drought. CBS Lesley Stahl report interestng...

Where do you get water in a #drought? From Groundwater.

With the drought many are facing as CBS Lesley Stahl reported about in her recent special on Nov 16th what happens when people start drilling here, there and anywhere for a deeper or more reliable water source? #Contamination?
In an effort to limit contaminating the #freshwater aquifers we do have shouldn't we be somewhat concerned about random well drilling without having located the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling even begins?

Find out more at 800-251-2920

#USgeologicalsurvey #CBSNew #depleteingthewater #lesleystahl #groundwater #recharge #rainfall #drillingwells #theprobelmwithdrillingwells #randomwellaterdrilling #aquifers #drought

MSN reports Homebuilders offer #Freebies as US Markets loose steam. #whybuylandwithoutwateronit

MSN reports Homebuilders offer #Freebies as US Markets loose steam...

We'll offer them the ability to locate the water (aquifer depth, yield and thickness) before drilling a water well on their land.

#whybuylandwithoutwater #affordablewellwaterlocation 800-251-2920
#Arizona, #NewMexico  #Newconstruction #newwaterwell #MSN

Friday, November 14, 2014

Groundwater Location Technology Reviews

Groundwater location services for water well development

Today Jacob Kraemer gears up for a Seismoelectric #groundwater location project in #West #Virginia. The logistics of jobs far from the regional office can be a full time job in and of itself. Still, we like being able to provide our service worldwide! (#Aquifer depth, yield and thickness before #drilling a #water #well) 800-251-2920 ext 2


Also available  in #Phoenix, #Scottsdale, #flagstaff and #kingman through our #Arizona office. Arizona Farmer+Chef Connection Arizona Grown Arizona Local Businesses

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Latest Eagle Ford Well Permit Map

Oil, gas and fresh water exploration to depths of over 2000m using the PL14 seismoelectric technology. 800-251-3350

Discount 10% Code: #Eagle Ford just mention the online discount. #oilandgasnews #texaslandmen
Latest Eagle Ford Well Permit Map. Click here for a full size image:

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Southern California and Arizona groundwater exploration surveys. Helping people deal with the drought.

#Groundwater location services available in #Washington, #Oregon and #California and #Arizona   Affordable for residential, agriculture, small or large land projects.  (#Aquifer depth, yield and thickness before #drilling a #water #well)

seismoelectric GF6 technology sales or service available worldwide 800-251-2920

#Irrigation #wells #Oregon #California #Drought #freshwater #southern

Saturday, November 1, 2014

New Southwest office for groundwater,oil & gas exploration services

Oil, gas and groundwater location services (#depth, yield, & thickness) before #drilling a  #well now available out of our southwest office. 

Seismoelectric Technology GF6/PL14 sales & surveys available worldwide. 


#drought #wellwater #Agriculture #Irrigation