Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Find well water before drilling

Some of the sites we get to enjoy while we are out providing groundwater #surveys are really awesome! 

#aquifer location, depth, yield and thickness before #drilling a #water #well .


#droughthelp #AgIrregation  #CaliforniaDrought

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Geoundwater location services (Aquifer depth, yield and thickness) before drilling begins.

WYesterday's #groundwater location job in Tonasket WA was for both #agriculture & residential #water #wells for the same client on a 540 acre piece of property just 20 miles south of the Canadian border.

It rained big time on the crew this trip but they were still smiling and collecting great #Seismoelectric data that will inform our client of the #aquifer #depth , #yield and thickness before #drilling begins.

Http:// 800-251-2920

Worldwide Service & GF6 equipment sales available worldwide 

#ArizonaAgriculture #washingtonwells #californiadrought #AlbuquerqueNewMexico 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Groundwater exploration surveys in Oregon this morning for agriculture irrigation

Aaron from our NW crew gets ready to drive electrodes into the ground for a Seismoelectric #groundwater location survey in Morrow County Oregon this morning. 

This is for an #agriculture #irrigation water exploration project.  

For information about how we can help you with your next #well #drilling project call Ervin 800-251-2920.

#water #drought relief 


Monday, October 20, 2014

Water wells for oil production

You need water (a lot of it) to get to that oil! 

Awesome start to a beautiful day in Lawton Oklahoma completing Seismoelectric groundwater surveys for a fourth client on this 3 day trip. 

As if locating an aquifer depth, yield and thickness for clients before they drill isn't enough...the guys get to enjoy Gods beautiful creation around them while they work. Cool!

Need to book a water, oil or gas exploration survey? Information about the GF6/PL14 technology? Call Ervin at 800-251-3350


#science #oilandgas #GodisGood #landmen #drought relief

Friday, October 17, 2014

Heading to Oklahoma foe geoundwater exploration surveys

Heading to Oklahoma
tomorrow to conduct seismoelectric surveys for clients in the Lawton area. 

Give us a call if you're in need of oil, gas or fresh groundwater exploration.


#oil #petroleumproduction #groundwater #drought #texas 

Monday, October 13, 2014

Groundwater surveys in Western Washington before a well is drilled

Today the NW crew is in Fall city, WA.

Our client is in need of an irrigation well to supplement city water.  AquaLocate was 

recommended to the client by a local drilling contractor. 

We'll help them locate the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling.



#groundwaterlocation #findwellwater #agriculturwells #irrigation 

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Nothing like a good review!

Via LinkedIn.

"I have known Ervin Kraemer for approximately 10 years now.

I have worked in association with him in several projects, and my company has also hired him for interpretation services several times.

I can say that he is a professional on his field and probably the most experienced person in... the utilization of the Seismoelectric system for aquifer detection." -Ernesto Huguenin, Mexico

#seismoelectrictechnology #oilandgasindustry #groundwatersurveying #petrolocatereviews #AquaLocatereviews

Traveling around the world to help people locate well water is so worth it!

We get around!

Did you know that our seismoelectric system for groundwater exploration (aquifer depth, yield and thickness) is being used all over the world. Either through services provided by us or through individuals or companies who've purchased a unit manufactured & sold by Ervin M. Kraemer since 2001

United States
South America - (Ecuador, Chile, Patagonia)
Asia – India
Middle East – (Oman, Saudi Arabia)
Africa – (Cameroon, Kenya, South Africa)
Europe – Germany
New Zealand

Are you next? 800-251-2920

#groundwaterlocation #welldrilling #findwellwater #seismoelectrictechnolgy

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Excited to set up a *southwest* office in Arizona -groundwater surveys

We'll be setting up our *NEW* Southwest office in YUMA in about three weeks! If you're in need or have clients in need of drilling a water well and wish to be informed of the aquifer depth, yield and thickness  before drilling begins to ensure a productive well give us a call. 800-251-2920. 


Are you an Arizona Realtor or Land Developer? Ervin M. Kraemer our President will be in Arizona to connect up with those in need of groundwater exploration services or those interested in the GF6 seismoelectric technology. Reach Ervin direct at 360-388-6035

Groundwater exploration in Lockwood California...where sadly the drought reigns

Lockwood California is in southern Monterey County, it's a small town consisting of farms, ranches & vineyards.

This is where Jacob & Aaron from our NW office crew is conducting Seismoelectric groundwater surveys today. 

They will complete 12-14 individual soundings, covering a few  acres of agricultural land on a vineyard and will take them about 3 hours to accomplish the job. 

A final report will go to the client after the geophysicist review, on average this takes 10-15 business days and it will inform our client of the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling begins. 

This allows the client to prepare for well water costs to the best of his/her ability. 



#LockwoodCaliforniaDrought #Findwellwater #groundwaterexploration 

Monday, October 6, 2014

Busy fall conducting oil, gas & groundwater exploration surveys

Been a very busy  month  on the road conducting oil, gas, or groundwater surveys around the map with our Seismoelectric exploration technology.

Of the last 34 days I've been home only 6. Glad I hired a new crew member and hope to do less of the actual in field surveying and more of the sales & training new users of the Seismoelectric technology. 

Give me a direct call if you want more information about oil, gas, geothermal & well water exploration. 360-388-6035