AquaLocate provides groundwater surveys & GF6 sales & training worldwide. The GF6 seismoelectric water exploration system is limited to seeing depths of 1,500-2,000 feet which is ideal for well water exploration. PetroLocate offers oil, gas and geothermal exploration surveys and PL14 sales/training. The PL14 sees to the depths of 6-10,000 feet (depending on geology) which is needed for detection of oil, gas & geothermal reserves.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Important step in water well drilling often skipped; groundwater exploration.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
Groundwater surveys in Chile before drilling a water well
Monday, December 22, 2014
Geoundwater surveys in Wenatchee WA before drilling a water well
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Oil & water exploration 2D & 3D modeling
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Ervin M. Kraemer gives presentation about the GF6 Seismoelectric groundwater location technology at the National Groundwater Expo in Vegas 2014
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Busy booth at The #National Groundwater Association Expo 2014
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
NGWA Expo in Las Vegas 2014
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Groundwater surveys in Tonsasket WA
They completed a #seismoelectric #groundwater survey for a client who is properly preparing to have a #residential #water #well drilled.
Our final report wi...ll show the #aquifer #depth, #yield and thickness before #drilling.
For more info visit
#drillingwaterwells #Nationalgroundwater #southwestwater
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Groundwater surveys in Gobbler's Knob
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Groundwater feasibility studies with the GF6 Seismoelectric technology
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Groundwater location surveys in West Virginia
Monday, December 1, 2014
Low oil prices, production and Russia
Friday, November 28, 2014
Environmentally friendly surveys
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
How different groundwater / geophysical technologies work.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Reliable technology for groundwater location.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Oil exploration project in the Austin Chalk formation.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Groundwater surveys in Eastern Washington
Monday, November 17, 2014
Drought. CBS Lesley Stahl report interestng...
With the drought many are facing as CBS Lesley Stahl reported about in her recent special on Nov 16th what happens when people start drilling here, there and anywhere for a deeper or more reliable water source? #Contamination?
Find out more at 800-251-2920
#USgeologicalsurvey #CBSNew #depleteingthewater #lesleystahl #groundwater #recharge #rainfall #drillingwells #theprobelmwithdrillingwells #randomwellaterdrilling #aquifers #drought
MSN reports Homebuilders offer #Freebies as US Markets loose steam. #whybuylandwithoutwateronit
We'll offer them the ability to locate the water (aquifer depth, yield and thickness) before drilling a water well on their land.
#whybuylandwithoutwater #affordablewellwaterlocation 800-251-2920
#Arizona, #NewMexico #Newconstruction #newwaterwell #MSN
Friday, November 14, 2014
Groundwater location services for water well development
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Latest Eagle Ford Well Permit Map
Discount 10% Code: #Eagle Ford just mention the online discount. #oilandgasnews #texaslandmen
Latest Eagle Ford Well Permit Map. Click here for a full size image:
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Southern California and Arizona groundwater exploration surveys. Helping people deal with the drought.
seismoelectric GF6 technology sales or service available worldwide 800-251-2920
#Irrigation #wells #Oregon #California #Drought #freshwater #southern
Saturday, November 1, 2014
New Southwest office for groundwater,oil & gas exploration services
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Find well water before drilling
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Geoundwater location services (Aquifer depth, yield and thickness) before drilling begins.
Friday, October 24, 2014
Groundwater exploration surveys in Oregon this morning for agriculture irrigation
Monday, October 20, 2014
Water wells for oil production
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Do you have to travel for work? Are you concerned about Ebola?
Friday, October 17, 2014
Heading to Oklahoma foe geoundwater exploration surveys
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Less dependent on others for is fine with me! American Oil! 800-251-3350
Monday, October 13, 2014
Groundwater surveys in Western Washington before a well is drilled
Today the NW crew is in Fall city, WA.
Our client is in need of an irrigation well to supplement city water. AquaLocate was
recommended to the client by a local drilling contractor.
We'll help them locate the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling.
#groundwaterlocation #findwellwater #agriculturwells #irrigation
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Nothing like a good review!
"I have known Ervin Kraemer for approximately 10 years now.
I have worked in association with him in several projects, and my company has also hired him for interpretation services several times.
I can say that he is a professional on his field and probably the most experienced person in... the utilization of the Seismoelectric system for aquifer detection." -Ernesto Huguenin, Mexico
#seismoelectrictechnology #oilandgasindustry #groundwatersurveying #petrolocatereviews #AquaLocatereviews
Traveling around the world to help people locate well water is so worth it!
Did you know that our seismoelectric system for groundwater exploration (aquifer depth, yield and thickness) is being used all over the world. Either through services provided by us or through individuals or companies who've purchased a unit manufactured & sold by Ervin M. Kraemer since 2001
United States
South America - (Ecuador, Chile, Patagonia)
Asia – India
Middle East – (Oman, Saudi Arabia)
Africa – (Cameroon, Kenya, South Africa)
Europe – Germany
New Zealand
Are you next? 800-251-2920
#groundwaterlocation #welldrilling #findwellwater #seismoelectrictechnolgy
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Excited to set up a *southwest* office in Arizona -groundwater surveys
Are you an Arizona Realtor or Land Developer? Ervin M. Kraemer our President will be in Arizona to connect up with those in need of groundwater exploration services or those interested in the GF6 seismoelectric technology. Reach Ervin direct at 360-388-6035
Groundwater exploration in Lockwood California...where sadly the drought reigns
Lockwood California is in southern Monterey County, it's a small town consisting of farms, ranches & vineyards.
This is where Jacob & Aaron from our NW office crew is conducting Seismoelectric groundwater surveys today.
They will complete 12-14 individual soundings, covering a few acres of agricultural land on a vineyard and will take them about 3 hours to accomplish the job.
A final report will go to the client after the geophysicist review, on average this takes 10-15 business days and it will inform our client of the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling begins.
This allows the client to prepare for well water costs to the best of his/her ability.
#LockwoodCaliforniaDrought #Findwellwater #groundwaterexploration
Monday, October 6, 2014
Busy fall conducting oil, gas & groundwater exploration surveys
Been a very busy month on the road conducting oil, gas, or groundwater surveys around the map with our Seismoelectric exploration technology.
Of the last 34 days I've been home only 6. Glad I hired a new crew member and hope to do less of the actual in field surveying and more of the sales & training new users of the Seismoelectric technology.
Give me a direct call if you want more information about oil, gas, geothermal & well water exploration. 360-388-6035
Monday, September 29, 2014
Exhibiting today at the Geothermal Energy Association Expo in Portland Oregon
I caught Christine by surprise as she was setting up the AquaLocate booth.
We are thrilled to be at the Geothermal Energy Association expo, our AquaLocate booth #1046 is set up and ready to exhibit the PL14 for geothermal, gas & oil exploration.Http://
#geothermalexploration #oilandgasindustry #welldrilling #renewableenergy
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Going to be setting up our AquaLocate booth at the Geothermal expo in Portland today.
On our way to the Geothermal Energy Association expo in Portland OR. to exhibit the PL14 for geothermal exploration.
Visit us at booth 1046 and enter to win a Samsung Galaxy Pro
#geothermalexploration #renewableenergy #geothermalwelldrilling
How does the PetroLocate PL14 Seismoelectric technology work?
How this simple but remarkable [PL14 Seismoelectric] technology works for oil & gas exploration..
...An operator creates a seismic event at the center of the test location using a small explosive. The movement created by the seismic event will cause mobile liquids to move and when liquid moves it creates a small but detectable electrical event which is recorded by our system. A specialized software then immediately creates a graph of the recorded electrical signal.
How is that different from typical "seismic" technology?
Seismic reflection and others do not detect the actual mobile resistive liquids. Instead, they see (detect) geology.
And let's face it, we're not looking for rocks we're interested in the actual oil!
Learn more about the PL14 technology oil & gas exploration surveys online:
#oilandgasexploraration #seismictechnology #seismoelectric
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Oil exploration surveys in Texas by PetroLocate
#oilandgasexploration #bakken #austinchalkformation #northdakotaoilboom
Saturday, September 20, 2014
New project in Texas this week covering about 300 acres for oil exploration
Texas conducting oil exploration surveys just outside of San Antonio today.
This is a 7-9 day project during which time we will cover 300 acres with the
PL14 Seismoelectric system to detect and locate the mobile resistive liquids.
owners since we don't need volumes of cleared land to conduct a survey. Since
the PL14 technology detect mobile resistive liquids rather than geology (rock
variations) there are no false positives which may reduce the risk of drilling
an unproductive well.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
Eagle Formation Oil Plays
#oilandgasexploration #BNGenergy #easternslopeoilandgasplay #oilexploration
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Oil exploration in southwest states available.
Seismoelectric oil exploration technology available in Arizona.
Alaska Oil and Gas Association
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Help for Land and Mineral Owners
The kind of information [PL14] seismoelectric oil/gas exploration survey can offer would allow them to lease their mineral rights for a fair price. The big oil and seismic survey companies may not want the small/medium land & mineral owners to know this!
What do you know about seismic vs. [the PL14] seismoelectric oil/gas exploration? Here are 4 major differences:
1) Seismic reflection requires miles of cleared land whereas a PL14 seismoelectric exploration survey can be accomplished on as little as one acre of land with minimal to no clearing.
2) Seismic reflection is expensive- no argument there!
Seismoelectric exploration is affordable for even a small land & mineral owner.
3) Seismic reflection projects take months on end whereas a PL14 seismoelectric exploration can take less than one week to accomplish depending on the size of the property being assessed.
4) Seismic reflection detects geologic structures whereas the PL14 seismoelectric system detects the presence of MOBILE resistive liquids. Are you looking for rock formations or are you looking to find oil? 800-251-3350
#Bigoil #Texaslandandmineralowners #landandminerals #oilproduction
#oilexploration #seismivsseismoelectric
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
Seismic or Seismoelectric Technology for oil/gas exploration—The Better Choice
Technology—The Better Choice
exploration geophysics used to estimate the properties of the earth’s
subsurface through reflected seismic waves. In simple terms, seismic reflection
data shows variations in rock formations.
primary tool in hydrocarbon exploration for decades. There are 2, 3 and 4
dimensional seismic data systems. 2D shows a single slice of the earth, 3D
seismic shows a volume of earth, and 4D seismic shows a 3D volume at different
times in the life of an oil and/or gas field. 3D seismic is the primary choice
for large oil and gas exploration projects.
sent into the ground by way of energy sources like a vibroseis truck, air gun
or explosives. Those sound waves pass through the earth and are reflected off
and transmitted through rock layers. A
geophone and receiver box is used in the field to listen to the sound waves
generated by the energy source. The
process of collecting Seismic Reflection data is expensive requiring various
permits, miles of cleared land, heavy machinery, multiple work crews, and
extensive data collection and interpretation time.
reflection data collection, seismoelectric technology may be more favorable for
the average small to medium lease owner for oil/gas exploration.
seismoelectric systems. Unlike seismic reflection systems, seismoelectric
systems image the mobile resistive liquids (oil, gas, water) rather than the
geologic structure. If there aren’t any
resistive liquids within 10,000 feet of the surface, there won’t be any
seismoelectric signal. This helps reduce
the chance of false positives.
pairs. Seismoelectric signals occur when
fast p-waves intersect interfaces where the anelastic properties change (e.g.
permeability, porosity, fluid conductivity, fluid viscosity, or ionic
concentration). Such interfaces generate
various types of slow p-waves, which decay very rapidly generating heat and electrical
signals; additionally the rise time of the seismoelectric signal is inversely
proportional to the permeability change.
Seismoelectric data acquisition at the surface can measure the
electrical fields from decaying slow waves and can then be used to calculate
the change in anelastic properties at the interfaces.
lines or on grids producing images of approximated subsurface permeability or
porosity. Once the data collection
process is complete for a specific property, software can be used to create 2D and
3D models of the interpreted seismoelectric data.
collect seismoelectric data, there is only one (the PL14 Seismoelectric Oil/Gas
Exploration System) that has a combination of hardware, firmware and software
that were specifically designed to collect and process seismoelectric
data. That system has been in use around
the world for more than two decades.
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Visit us at the Geothermal Energy Expo Sept 31 in Portland Oregon
A: Because the PL14 sees to the depths of 6-10,000 feet (depending on geology) which is needed for detection of geothermal reserves.
The AquaLocate GF6 seismoelectric water exploration system is limited to seeing depths of 1,500-2,000 feet which is ideal for well water exploration.
Visit the AquaLocate Booth 1046 to learn more about the technology, meet Ervin Kraemer the PL14 manufacturer and enter to win a Galaxy Tab 4!
GF6 & PL14 sales, training and/or exploration surveys are available for sale worldwide Direct contact: Ervin Kraemer 360-388-6035
Patent Pending Pub. No.:US2014/0111207 A1
Aqualocate 800-251-2920
PetroLocate 800-251-3350
#geothermalexploration #seismicvsseismoelectric #renewableenergy #portlandoregon #gasandoilexploration