Monday, October 15, 2012

How does the GF3500 seismo electric (scientific) groundwater surveying system work?

Q: How does the Seismo electric system AquaLocate manufactures and provides groundwater survey with work?
 A: The GF3500 and a seismic source are used together to generate and collect the seismo electric signal. The seismic source is used to create a sound wave (pulse). When the sound wave moves through aquifers the water in the aquifer moves relative to the rock formation. Ions in the water are dragged away from their partners bound to the rock and the electrical disturbance created travels to the surface at the speed of light and is detected by the antenna array.
 Each signal is separated in time from its neighbors by the propagation time of the down going seismic pulse. This gives unambiguous depth and thickness data, as with reflection seismic. The form of each signal gives information about the depth, thickness and quality of the aquifer and this is used to estimate the likely yield from a water well drilled at the survey site.
For GF3500 equipment purchasing, consultation or groundwater survey information contact us toll free at 800.251.2920 or check us out at

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