Friday, May 22, 2015

Groundwater Issues...California's glass half full...

California's glass is half full....


#drought #groundwater #California #WellWater 

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Federal Dollars Go To California for Drought Relief

Millions of #federal dollars go to help #California with #drought relief & focus on #conservation.

Locate the #water (#aquifer depth, yield & thickness) before #drilling begins. Contact us for a free consultation 800.251.2920


Saturday, May 16, 2015

Washington States Water Crisis.... Drought.

#Washington hit hard by #drought.

"#Yakima #Basin, the state’s most productive #farming region, have resorted to #rationing in order to extend #water supplies. In the Walla #Walla region, the authorities are shifting water “from #creek to creek” and even hauling the #fish upstream to cooler water, in an effort to preserve the #steelhead, #Chinook and #bull trout populations....."

Locate #well water before #drilling an #Agricultural or #residential well. #aquifer depth, yield & thickness. 800.251.2920


Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Agricultural Groundwater Surveys in Indiana

Field tech, Jośe Villegas conducts a #seismoelectric #groundwater survey in Indiana this morning for a client in need of an #agricultural #well. 


  #Indiana #AgWells #Drought #water #LandSurvey 

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Water Well Drillers locate the Water With the Seismoelectric GF6 Before Drilling Begins

Even in the absence of good calibration data the GF6 #seismoelectric #exploration technology can help #property owners, #well #drillers and #land #development companies identify the best place to #drill a new #water well.  A good example of the GF6' capabilities is this new well which is producing nearly 3,500gpm.

#Groundwater surveys and/or GF6 #technology (w/training) available worldwide. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Austin Chalk Oil Well Success!

It's a good day when we get texts like this from a company that hired us to locate oil! 

"We are in the Austin Chalk and have hit OIL and some natural gas!!!!!!! 20% florescence and  108 gas units!!!!! 40 ft of Pay Zone so far. We hit at 4230ft"


Friday, May 1, 2015

Seismoelectric Exploration Technology Sees Groundwater!

While we agree with some of the points in this article, Mr. Muerlrath is misinformed per his statement “Groundwater is much trickier. You can’t see it.”   Seismoelectric technology has been used to detect the aquifer, depth, yield and thickness (where the aquifer begins and ends) in California and around the world for over 14 years. And unlike other exploration technologies which are limited to determining variations in rock formations, the GF6 seismoelectric exploration system actually sees [detects] the mobile liquid whether it be water, oil or natural gas. We encourage Mr. Muerlrath, and your readers to learn more at

#SonomaIndexTribune Keep California Farming #drought #California #groundwater