Sunday, March 30, 2014

Groundwater Surveys Completed in Arkansas by AquaLocate 800-251-2920

We have the answer to your well water needs.... And the need for water appears to be everywhere!

The crew landed in Texas this morning and have arrived in Arkansas to help a client locate the water (aquifer depth, yield & thickness) before drilling begins.



#Arkansas #groundwater #Drilling #Drought

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Find groundwater before drilling a well with an AquaLocate groundwater survey.

Today our Seismoelectric groundwater survey is for a client who contacted us in 2012.  The property owner has one very low producing well and a non productive well.  We are performing a total of 10 soundings in order to locate the aquifer depth, yield and thickness on his property.



Residential & agricultural (small & large) groundwater surveys available worldwide. Seismoelectric GF6 technology & training available worldwide. 

#FindADriller #groundwater #wells 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Groundwater surveying in California Drought

Residential and agriculture wells drop some 80 feet in severe drought conditions....

Contact AquaLocate for groundwater surveys before drilling begins. Aquifer depth, yield and thickness



#CaliforniaDrought #seismoelectric #surveys 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Groundwater surveys available in Arizona

Groundwater outlook not so good in Pinal County Arizona...

AquaLocate can help by surveying the aquifer depth, yield and thickness on your land before you drill a water well!

Affordable Seismoelectric groundwater surveys & GF6 technology equipment sales worldwide 800-251-2920

Seismoelectric groundwater surveys: 


#PinalArizona #Groundwater #well #drilling 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Seismoelectric groundwater surveying (aquifer depth, yield & thickness) before drilling a well. 800-251-2920

Stopped in at the local Home Depot to pick up copper clad electrodes. We use these as part of our antenna array to collect Seismoelectric data. They are 1 meter in length and we need a total of four rods to complete the groundwater location sounding. 

For aquifer depth, yield & thickness before drilling begins call us toll free at 800-251-2920

Groundwater surveys provided & GF6 Seismoelectric equipment sold worldwide.



#groundwater #wells #drilling #DIY 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Find Well Water Before Drilling in Oregon,California and Idaho

Recently we conducted three residential ground water exploration projects
for well development in Prineville Oregon. 

One of the survey clients was looking to improve a very low yielding well and the other two clients were in the process of developing their new property.

In each case we were able to help the clients make decisions on where to drill new wells based on our GF6 Seismoelectric groundwater survey results consisting of aquifer depth, yield and thickness. 


#groundwaterSurveys  #drilling #aquifer

Seismoelectric GF6 groundwater location surveys in Oregon. Aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling began.

Recently we conducted three residential ground water exploration projects
for well development in Prineville Oregon.

One of the survey clients was looking to improve a very low yielding well and the other two clients were in the process of developing their new property.

In each case we were able to help the clients make decisions on where to drill new wells based on our GF6 Seismoelectric groundwater survey results consisting of aquifer depth, yield and thickness.


#groundwaterSurveys  #drilling #aquifer #FindWellWater

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Well water location before drilling begins in Arizona with the GF6 equipment!

This week we finished up completion of the first two 2nd generation GF6 systems! This new unit hasn't been sold in Arizona as of yet- although we have implemented older systems there. But it's been sold Chile, and Northern California!

Aqualocate exclusively manufactures and sells the GF6 seismoelectric technology worldwide. No exclusive areas applied to the sale of the technology. Anyone can use our technology worldwide. We sell the equipment, offer training and on-going data interpretation assistance.


#seismoelectric #GF6 #Groundwater #Technology

Seismoelectric groundwater location surveys, GF6 technology sales, training and data interpretation available worldwide.

AquaLocate field lead, Jacob Kraemer trains a new client (a professional driller) on how to conduct groundwater surveys using the Seismoelectric GF6 technology in Alabama.

The client is learning to locate the aquifer depth, yield and thickness before drilling begins.

Seismoelectric groundwater location surveys, GF6 technology sales, training and data interpretation available worldwide.


#Drilling #wells #Alabama