Tuesday, July 30, 2013

A well driller hires AquaLocate to use our Seismo-Electric GF6 groundwater location technology to find well water in Huntsville Alabama.

Just across from the Gulf of Mexico is Huntsville Alabama and that's exactly where our crew is this week!

Locating well water (aquifer depth, yield and thickness) for a potential GF6 Seismo-Electric technology buyer... A well driller who wants more for his clients than just to drill blindly! We like that!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Training on the GF6 Seismo-Electric groundwater location technology is going well this week.

We're training Henri from Africa on the GF6 Seismo-Electric groundwater location technology.Training is going well as Henri seems to have much experience in the area of groundwater and geology.

He will be able to help  many people in Africa find water  very soon! http://www.AquaLocate.com


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Find well water depth and yield before drilling using our Seismo-Electric GF6 technology

http://www.AquaLocate.com 800-251-2920 worldwide service- FREE consultation
Click on video to learn more about the GF6 Seismo-Electric groundwater surveying technology

Monday, July 15, 2013

A great day to complete a ground water survey in La Center WA!

We provide our clients with accurate and affordable groundwater location surveys, preliminary and full written reports that indicate the depth, yield (flow rate) and thickness of the aquifer.

Worldwide service provided 800-251-2920

Friday, July 12, 2013

Did you know the average person in the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of water each day?  It's said that during medieval times a person used only 5 gallons per day.

Regardless of how much we do or don't use...the fact remains we all need water!

This is why our crew is in Idaho completing a groundwater survey today! They're helping clients find the well water they need before drilling begins!

 Toll Free: 800-251-2920 (OR) Call me direct; Ervin at 360-388-6035
*Discount if you tell me you found me on my blog http://www.aqualocate.com

Find well water before drilling begins in Washinton, Idaho and Oregon!

Did you know the average person in the United States uses 80 to 100 gallons of water each day?  It's said that during medieval times a person used only 5 gallons per day.

Regardless of how much we do or don't use...the fact remains we all need water!

This is why our crew is in Idaho completing a groundwater survey today! They're helping clients find the well water they need before drilling begins!   800-251-2920 (OR) Direct  to Ervin 360-388-6035


Saturday, July 6, 2013

National Groundwater Surveyors facebook fan page...

So we wanted to close our NGS Facebook business page and just focus on our AquaLocate and our new Groundflow business pages but when we requested that facebook admin merge our NGS account to our Groundflow fb page they denied our request leaving us this message;

 “Hello, your merge request has been denied. The Pages in question do not match in name and/or what the Pages represent.”  (They represent the same GF6 technology sooo……?)

Please help us simplify our business pages by visiting https://www.facebook.com/pages/Groundflow/408635629254990?ref=hl and clicking on “LIKE”.   

We’ would like to delete our NGS page and focus on our Groundflow page but first we want to give all of our current NGS “Likers” the opportunity to LIKE our new Groundflow page first! Cheers!