Thursday, March 14, 2013

National Groundwater Awareness Week!


We have a friend who insists...”if it’s yellow let it mellow... “(You know the rest of the saying...). 
This week is National Groundwater Awareness Week! 

We practice water conservation by; not using the toilet as a waste basket, turning the faucet off when brushing our teeth and using the “light wash” dishwasher cycle when possible.  How do you practice water conservation in your home?  800.839.0950

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

3 DRY water wells!... How to avoid a dry well!

It’s always difficult for us to hear that a client has found out about AquaLocate only after they’ve experienced the unfortunate event of a costly dry well!

Yesterday the AquaLocate team went out to Oregon to conduct a Seismo-Electric ground water survey.

Prior to calling AquaLocate our client had experienced 3 dry wells!

The first well was 250 feet deep with NO yield and the second well was 80 feet deep with a very small amount of salty water. And the third well was 30 feet deep with salty water.

Now that we’ve surveyed the clients land we will be able to accurately report any aquifer on the property…the aquifer location-depth-yield and thickness (and yes…salinity)!

 If and when the client chooses to have another well drilled (In this case a fourth well) the client will be better informed of where to drill and what to expect.  

We want people to find us BEFORE the drilling begins! SHARE this info with your friends if they are going to have a well drilled, it might save them the trouble and expense of a dry well!  Call for FREE consultation today! 800-319-6970

Sunday, March 3, 2013

AquaLocate: latest training on the GF6 Seismo-Electric groundwater location technology!

Today we are finishing up the latest training on the GF6 in California and we are thrilled to have been able to offer this great technology to Jacob from Mexico and Trinity from Eastern Oregon. We are looking forward to a long and successful business relationship with both! 

In just a few weeks we head into another GF6 training session for new users of the GF6 technology from Idaho and Australia!

 If you have any questions about the GF6 Seism-Electric groundwater locating technologies visit:

AquaLocate offers groundwater surveys large and small and GF6 sales as well as GF6 Rentals.
                                          For more information call toll free: 800-839-0950