Monday, September 24, 2012

What is the best method for locating groundwater according to the ngwa?

What is the best method for locating groundwater?

 The Position of the National Ground Water Association is this (and we [AquaLocate] agree!
NGWA strongly opposes the use of water witches to locate groundwater on the grounds that controlled experimental evidence clearly indicates that the technique is totally without scientific merit.

The Association recommends the use of proven hydrogeological and geophysical techniques for groundwater reconnaissance when its presence is not easily recognizable by drilling contractors.

 The AquaLocate seismo electric geophysical technique is readily used throughout the world.  Locating the water before drilling a well is crucial to a successful end result in any well drilling project.

 For information about seismo electric geophysical techniques for groundwater location contact us today at 800.251.2920 or visit our website at

                                Well (Aquifer) Location, depth & yield before drilling begins.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Client feedback!
“Hey Ervin - Ron was very helpful to talk to and referred me to Moerke  & Sons as he thought it would be way too expensive for his outfit to comes to Rochester.  Moerke drilled yesterday down to 70' (your Recommendation was 66' or 67') and we had a steady 9 gpm after running the water for over an hour.  Needless to say, we are thrilled. Thought you might want to know how things turned out. Thanks for all of your help! Laurie”

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

AquaLocate is now a proud member of the National Ground Water Association

AquaLocate is now a proud member of the National Ground Water Association (Under: Manufacturer listing).

It's going to be great informing ngwa members and readers about AquaLocate and the new GF6 design (Seismo Electric Groundwater location system).

Give us a call if you need help locating a water well before you drill or want GF6 info! 800.251.2920

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Water witching VS. Science...

The bad news:
Had a gentleman from Oregon call us today, he told us that he had a well water site witched/doused only to drill a $5,000 DRY well (hole) in the spot pointed out by the douser as a potential well site… Now he is hiring us to locate the aquifer on his property before drilling another well for his home…. 

The good news:
We can see water beneath the ground with Seismo Electric Technology (Aquifer location-depth- yield…before you drill).

There’s just no substitute for a scientific method for groundwater location! Call us today if you need our help before the drilling begins!


Monday, September 17, 2012

The GF6- Latest Design of the EKS geophysical Aquifer/ water locating system

The GF6!
Soon you can purchase the latest design of the EKS geophysical well water locating system for about the cost of one dry domestic well before you start paying a driller to search for the best place to drill. 
With the average domestic water well being 200 feet deep and the average cost per foot of a finished well being between $40 and $75 a new well will cost between $8,000 and $15,000 why wouldn't you purchase a geophysical system that will help you prevent drilling even a single dry or low yielding well (OR) in the least hire us to conduct a groundwater survey on your land before drilling begins?  Call AquaLocate at 800-251.2920 to find out more!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Groundwater Exploration, water well depth & yield using the GF3500 seismo electric technology

Q: What Kind of groundwater exploration does the GF3500 seismo electric technology offer?
A: This system has been effectively used to locate groundwater for well water development across North America, New Zeeland, Australia, Africa, the Middle East and Europe. The GF3500 makes it possible to estimate water table depth but most people who use the equipment or our services want to know approximately how deep to drill and approximately how much water they can expect from their new water well. For more information on the GF3500 seismo electric groundwater location system (sale, training and services) contact us toll free at 1.800.251.2920

Friday, September 7, 2012

Seismo-electric groundwater surveying - hammer/plate method

The GF3000 seismo-electric groundwater survey equipment is designed specifically for detecting electrical signals generated by the passage of seismic waves through rocks, sediments and soils. Here Ervin Kraemer uses the hammer/plate method which is used for generating a signal which will detect the depth and yield of an aquifer within 300 feet of the surface. Contact us toll free at 800.251.2920 visit us online at Http://