What is the best method for locating groundwater?
The Position of the National Ground Water Association is this (and we [AquaLocate] agree!
strongly opposes the use of water witches to locate groundwater on the grounds
that controlled experimental evidence clearly indicates that the technique is
totally without scientific merit.
The Association recommends the use of proven hydrogeological and
geophysical techniques for groundwater reconnaissance when its presence is not
easily recognizable by drilling contractors.
The AquaLocate seismo electric geophysical technique is readily used
throughout the world. Locating the water
before drilling a well is crucial to a successful end result in any well
drilling project.
For information about seismo electric geophysical techniques for
groundwater location contact us today at 800.251.2920 or visit our website at http://www.aqualocate.com
Well (Aquifer) Location, depth & yield before drilling begins.